Where will my breast augmentation incisions be? January 25, 2023 Dr. Downey or Dr. Bullocks may use any of the following incisions during your breast augmentation surgery: Transaxillary. This is a good option for women with very little breast tissue and no true breast fold. The scar may be visible, but it will be in the armpit, away from the breast. The size of the implant may be limited and it may be challenging for the surgeon to use this same incision for future surgeries or revisions. Peri-areolar. This incision is ideal for women who are undergoing a simultaneous small peri-areolar lift. It does run the risk of minimal implant exposure due to the sterile glands beneath the surface of the nipple and capsular contracture. This incision type may not ideal for women with small nipples and silicone implants. Inframammary Fold. The incision is hidden under the breast and typically not visible from a standing position. It allows Dr. Downey or Dr. Bullocks the greatest control and possibly a decreased risk of infection. Transumbilical (TUBA). This is reserved for saline implants only. It offers very little exposure and can lead to improper placement if performed by less qualified plastic surgeons in Houston.