Tips to Having a Successful Tummy Tuck

A significant event in the prime years of a woman’s life is bearing a child. But with this great joy comes the aftermath of having spent nine months carrying the baby—skin discoloration, excess skin, and sketch marks. Thankfully, there are cosmetic procedures a woman can seek that can reverse the effects of pregnancy like a tummy tuck.

While this procedure has improved the bodies of countless patients across the country, it is not a substitute for weight loss. This procedure is ideal for patients who are close to their ideal weight and body mass.

Ideal candidates for tummy tuck surgery are those who experience sagging in their abdominal area and outstretched abdominal muscles. If you have one of the following concerns, you might as well consider getting this procedure.

But before proceeding with the surgery, here are some before and after tips that can help you achieve a satisfying result.

Preparation List: What to do before surgery

Think first before going under the knife

Many aspects should be considered if someone undergoes tummy tuck surgery. A person determined to do so solely because they are bothered by the appearance of their abdomen should take the time to think about their decision.

If you have the same worries as the ones mentioned above, you can proceed with the surgery.

Unload all the toxins in the body

You can start cleansing your body from different toxins by regularly eating healthy and on-time. However, you should avoid drastic changes in your diet to minimize complications and constipation during the recovery period.

You must also abstain from smoking at least two to four weeks before and after the surgery to avoid complications.

Maintain a personal support system

Most patients are prone to alternating episodes of doubt and excitement just by thinking of its result. What better way to help moderate a patient’s emotions is by having their support system!

Have someone with you before and after the surgery. These people will also assist you in doing simple tasks such as getting out of bed, removing and putting on clothes, and showering.

Remember that great results take time, patience, and trust.

Make sure to get lab tests and a medical evaluation

A possible candidate will have to check if they are physically fit to continue with the surgery. After taking both a lab test and medical assessment, your plastic surgeon may prescribe you with certain medications or advise you to adjust your current ones.

Also, you might need to avoid taking pain medication such as aspirin, anti-inflammatory drugs, and herbal supplements as they are agents in increased bleeding.

Yield at least a day or two of rest and preparation

Although the whole surgery will only take two to four hours, depending on the patient’s needs, technique, and the surgeon’s skills, you must allot time to rest before the procedure and be comfortable.

This will be the time when you’ll need your support system the most to keep you calm from the preoperational anxiety, which is usually experienced.

Recovery Tips: What to do after surgery

Take at least two weeks off work

You most probably will feel sore after the whole procedure, so you will have to allocate time to rest. Two weeks is just enough for you to feel less sore and tired when you return to work.

Not doing so may cause needless tension on the wound and impede its healing process. You must also move your body from time to time to reduce the risk of blood clot formation.

Utilize this time to have a balanced diet

You may have a small appetite the week after the surgery, as this is the time for you to heal. After two weeks, together with returning to regular work, your food consumption must be a balance of fruits, vegetables, and lean protein like beans, tofu, nuts, and ground beef.

Focus mainly on quality nutrition to maintain the results of the surgery.

Condition your body to its new shape

A common misconception among patients is that when their body is fully healed, they can already go back to their routine. While this is partially true, it is vital that you gradually do so. Start by doing short walks to avoid sore muscles. A month after, you can start moderately exercising, which includes light cardio.

After six weeks, you can return to doing all your regular exercise activities. But as every patient heals differently, you must consult with your surgeon to ensure you return to physical activity at the right time.

Keep on following your surgeon’s advice

You may have partially healed from the surgery, but to fully attain the aesthetic and well-proportioned body you want, you must continue to follow your surgeon’s advice. This will decrease the risk of complications you may experience.

A Common Goal Among Women

Wanting to have a well-proportioned body even after giving birth is a common goal among women. Although it requires going through great lengths, weight loss becomes worth it because of its numerous benefits.

Procedures like a tummy tuck can make this practice more life-changing. It can give women the confidence they need. They can wear the clothes they want without being too conscious of how they would look.

But before going through plastic surgery procedures, one must consult first a board-certified doctor that specializes in the field. It is essential to know what it requires and what to expect. Their proper guidance will help you translate all your hard work and expectations on having a healthy and well-proportioned body.