Medical Weight Loss in Houston

Medically Supervised Weight Loss Management Program.

Exit the Diet Maze and Find Your Fitness Flow

We all can feel lost in the endless maze of weight loss options. Strict diets that leave you feeling hungry and gym routines that show little results can be demotivating.

Here at Heights Plastic Surgery, we want to work with our patients to help them overcome the frustration of finding a workable weight loss routine. Dr. Cara Downey and Dr. Jamal Bullocks lead our customized, medically supervised weight management program, designed to help you conquer your goals and keep them conquered. Let’s transform your weight loss journey into a sustainable, empowering experience!

Unveiling New Tools in Your Weight Loss Journey: Semaglutide and Tirzepatide

Trying to shed pounds can feel like an uphill battle. You adjust your diet, hit the gym, but sometimes the results seem slow or elusive. Heights Plastic Surgery understands this frustration. That’s why we’re excited to introduce two innovative medications that can be powerful allies in your weight loss journey: Semaglutide and Tirzepatide.

Semaglutide: Your Appetite’s New BFF

For our patients in Houston Semaglutide can be a powerful addition to your weight loss routine. This injectable medication works by mimicking a natural hormone in your body called glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1). GLP-1 helps regulate appetite and digestion, and Semaglutide gives it a boost. This can lead to an increased feeling of fullness that lasts longer. As a result, you may experience reduced cravings and potentially consume fewer calories overall.

Tirzepatide: A Double Whammy for Weight Loss

Tirzepatide can be viewed as an advanced development of Semaglutide. It’s still under FDA review for weight management, but early research is promising. Similar to Semaglutide, it targets the GLP-1 hormone, which influences satiety and blood sugar control. However, Tirzepatide takes an additional step by also impacting glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide (GIP), another hormone involved in appetite and digestion. This dual approach has the potential to lead to even greater weight loss compared to Semaglutide alone.

Why Choose a Medical Weight Loss Management Program for Lasting Results?

While some people have success going it alone, for many people achieving lasting weight loss success requires a supportive team. That’s where a medically supervised weight loss program comes in. Here’s how partnering with Heights Plastic Surgery for your weight loss journey can make all the difference:

Personalized Approach

Unlike fad diets or one-size-fits-all plans, medical weight loss programs tailor strategies to your unique needs. We consider your medical history, weight loss goals, and lifestyle to create a customized plan that’s more likely to be sustainable.

Expert Guidance

Our program is led by board-certified plastic surgeons and registered nurses who have extensive knowledge of weight management and healthy living. They’ll guide you through every step, answer your questions, and address any concerns you may have.

Medication Options

We offer medications like Semaglutide and Tirzepatide, which can be powerful tools for curbing cravings, regulating appetite, and boosting weight loss efforts.

Sustainable Habits

Losing weight is just one part of the equation. Our program emphasizes developing healthy eating habits and exercise routines you can maintain for the long term, promoting lasting success.

Ongoing Support

We understand that weight loss is a journey, not a destination. Regular follow-up appointments allow us to monitor your progress, adjust your plan as needed, and provide ongoing motivation and support throughout your journey.

Improved Overall Health

With our program for Medical weight loss Houston patients not only target weight loss but can also experience significant health benefits. By achieving a healthy weight, you may experience improvements in blood sugar control, reduced risk of type 2 diabetes, and better cardiovascular health.

Medically Supervised Weight Loss Program

also known as: Weight Management Program

Our weight management program is medically supervised, meaning you have a trained expert by your side to help you achieve your weight loss goals and maintain them. Whether you're battling a chronic condition or aiming to trim some extra weight, our program is personalized to the route you need to take to reach your weight loss goals.

Procedure options: Semaglutide, Bella Tablets, Lipo-C Injections

Program Overview


Excess weight

Low energy

Lifestyle changes

Procedure Time

1 hour consultation (in-person & virtual available)

Monthly follow-ups



Not pregnant/breastfeeding


Possible Side Effects

Mild gastrointestinal symptoms

Frequently Asked Questions

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What to Expect

Before, During, & After Medical Weight Loss in Houston

1. Attend a One-on-One Consultation.

Before you start your medical weight loss Houston patients will need an initial consultation with our board-certified plastic surgeon and registered nurse. They will go over diet, medical history, and lifestyle habits. They will measure your BMI, body fat percentage, and metabolic function.

2. Approve Your Treatment Plan.

Once all that is assessed, they will describe the kind of medication or treatment you will need in order to meet your goals. You will know how the treatment works and how it’s manufactured. Depending on your analysis, our medical professionals may recommend: Hormonal Supplement - Semaglutide, Lipotropic Metabolic Injections and/or Non-injectable Oral Tablets - Bella Tablets

3. Track Your Progress.

Houston medical weight loss patients will come in for a monthly follow-up where we will assess and discuss your response to the treatment plan we picked. Only then can we decide if we need to make any dose adjustments or add any other supplements to your program.

Shedding Pounds, Seeing Results:
Your Weight Loss Timeline

We know you’re eager to see the numbers on the scale tick down, but achieving sustainable weight loss takes time and dedication. Here’s a roadmap to what you can expect:

  • Initial Weeks: During this time, you’ll focus on establishing healthy habits with our guidance. You may start to experience changes in energy levels and water weight loss.
  • One to Three Months: As your body adjusts to your new routine and potentially medication (if prescribed), you may see a more consistent decrease in weight and potentially some clothing feeling looser.
  • Three to Six Months and Beyond: With continued commitment, you can expect to reach significant milestones towards your weight loss goals. You’ll likely notice improved body composition, increased strength, and a more confident you!

Remember, everyone’s weight loss journey is unique. Factors like starting weight, metabolism, and adherence to the program can influence the pace of progress. We’ll be there every step of the way to monitor your progress and adjust your plan as needed to keep you motivated and on track for long-term success.

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Use our interactive virtual consultation tool to explore procedures and treatments that might best fit your unique concerns.

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Studio Essex

Driven By Our Mission: Enhancing Your Natural Features with Medical Weight Loss.

Studio Essex, the medical aesthetics clinic led by board-certified plastic surgeons Dr. Downey and Dr. Bullocks, is proud to offer medical aesthetic technologies & services to residents of Houston. Our ultimate goal is to offer you a welcoming environment, a phenomenal patient experience, and cutting-edge technology that you won’t find anywhere else in Texas.

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Frequently Asked Questions About Medical Weight Loss in Houston